Sunday, November 18, 2007

How do corporations provide training resources for teachers?

In the instructional technology area, I found a very strange phenomenon: almost all the technologies used in education area are not designed for the education originally. At the beginning, our area was built on the need of the Second World War and then, the industry. However, no matter what is the purpose for to people think or design technology in education area, technology are playing an important role in education nowadays.
Because of the emerging of the technology into education area, teachers have to learn how to use technology now. Also, because of the technology evolving, teaching and learning are becoming different to the tradition. So as the author said in this chapter: (teachers) just learn how to use technology is not enough. They have to apply the technology they know to enrich their teaching and enhance the students’ learning. That is technology literacy, or educational technology literacy.
For the teachers who are so-called technology immigration, training is a most important way to improve their technology skills. In industry area, people spend a lot of many on training employees every year. They have systematic rules and resources, and even a department taking care of the training issuers. However, this is not available in many schools or this is not as advanced as it is in industry area. But the exercises form industry area are useful for the training in education area. The best way of using the resources and exercises from industry area is incorporated it into the real situation of educational training. Transfer the advantages of using technologies into teaching and learning process according to the need in education area.
For example, the purpose of training in industry, business or some other areas in corporations is to improve the employees’ working efficiency. But in the educational area, the purpose of training is to enrich the teaching methods and enhance the learning effectiveness. So, when transferring the resources from corporate area into education area, adjustments need to be made for making it fit the need in education.
Corporations also provide technology products to the education area nowadays and this kind of production is right designed for the education area or for public use, such as Microsoft office series, macromedia software series, and other products. All these kinds of technology are very useful for the educational training.

1 comment:

Breazeale said...

It looks like we answered the same question! Sorry for the confussion, I got the assignments mixed up. I agree that most technology that is currently being used in the classroom originated from other applications. But you know how we teachers are, we'll take anything anyone will give us, including technology. It is not a far jump from the boardroom to the classroom when it comes to computer technology. I also agree with the author about the fact that teachers must not only learn how to use the software, but also learn how to apply the software ni the classroom. After all, what good is knowing how to use a program if it can not help you with your lessons.