Saturday, September 29, 2007

What is productivity software? How can it be adapted to benefit teaching and learning?

In fact, the productivity software is used in the business and industry first, and later people found that it can help educators as well, so it was introduced into education area. This is a normal phenomenon, another example is that a lot of software were first designed for business or industry purpose, and were introduced to some other areas later on. So generally speaking, the office productivity software that has facilitated business operations can oftentimes be used to serve educators as well for their administrative and educational tasks. For the educators that teaching is not the only thing that they need to do, as it said on the book that much of their time is consumed in completing the many administrative tasks necessary to prepare and maintain an effective learning environment and to meet the record-keeping demands of the typical school system. This is the needs and also the reason that the productivity software was introduced into education area.
This kind of soft ware typically designed for ease of use and most of this kind of software programs have similar looks and feel, so that it is easy for the users to know other productivity software from the same vendor if they already knew how to use one of them. This is a good feature that benefits all the users, and it also benefits the software itself in the way that it can be spread wildly and quickly.
Commonly, the primary types of productivity software found in business environment include: word processors, electronic spreadsheets, database management systems, and presentation software. All these software programs were designed to be used for different purposes in business and industry offices. They can be purchased in individual packages or in application suites, and they were designed for running in PC or Macintosh platform. Nowadays a school system or school districts will often purchase a site license which allows the use of software package on all machines within an organization.
This kind of software can be used in all kinds of places in a school such as classrooms and faculty centers. Let take the word processors as an example, word-processing software is the most commonly used computer application. And it is doing a great job in everyday classroom teaching. The features that facilitate the creation of memos and tests can be creatively applied to teaching and learning. Teacher can use it to make calendars, publish class books of poetry, create newsletters, prepare flyers, make class stationery, and even author classroom website, etc.
Today’s teaching is evolved with technology and they are integral. I cannot imagine that how the educators do their job without the help of technology. The software such as word processors or electronic spreadsheets or any other software in education area is becoming more and more important now.
At the same time educators need to spend time getting familiar with these tools, even though they are easy to be learned. The myschool online offers a little program named Office tools and tips is a good material that introduces us some tools and tips about how to use them. It is worthwhile for us to watch it.


Breazeale said...

I never knew I knew how to use productivity software until I read this chapter. To be honest, I didn't even know what it was. As it turns out, I've been using it most of my adult life (it was hard to find a word processor when I was a kid, much less a personal computer!)
Your article was well written and articulate. I leanred as much from you as I did the chapter.

Leonardo said...


This is well written article. Productivity software can be used in a variety of formats. Personal Productivity Software allows an individual to perform personal tasks with ease. This software will continue to make society easier. Productivity means to produce. This article illustrates what it means to use software to accomplish tasks.